The DPAC or District Parent Advisory Council is an organization made up of representatives of all the school PACs which acts as a liaison between schools, the school board, and also the provincial parent body called the BC Confederation of Parent Advisory Councils or BCCPAC. As well, DPAC representatives participate in goal setting sessions and partner group meetings with the Board.
DPAC Meetings
DPAC meetings are held on the 4th Tuesday of the month, excluding December & March. They are normally held at 6:30 pm in the IMC Building, unless otherwise noted. The SD 67 Board of Education Trustees rotate each month to allow each Trustee to attend throughout the school year.
A central calendar of all SD 67 PAC's is assembled each year. Below is the link to access this PAC calendar. If your PAC is not listed, or meetings have changed, please have your PAC Chair or DPAC representative email DPAC with the meeting details to be added.